Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Yesterday, I watched movie of "Jack and tree of beens". This film was broadcast on TV on Friday. Once apon a time, the tree of beens grew up extends to the top of the sky. There is a world have giants on top of the sky. Giant had hated man and they are eat of killed people. Giant came down to the human world. so they did't believe the world of the giants and people become legend in someday. There is name of Jack. he knows that legend and believe giants on top of the sky. Because his mother told me to read a book in childhood. One day, he meets to a monestery. the monestery steal of "beens". but eventuary, Jack was back with the beans in my house. But Jack had trees also legend for the one dropped of beans went extends into the sky. It had led or on the ground and the giant world from then. the giants was trapped the queen in a cage. Jack climbed a tree because to bring back the queen. and there, Giant and Jack is fight. Giant is larger than human beings. so no they enemy. A lot of people also victim in order to bring back the queen. It must bring back the crown in order to win the. Giant is not countered to person wearing a crown. Finally, Jack deprive the crown and he married with the queen and they has two children,  they live a happy life forever.

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